Ready to Land Your Next Job
in Project Management?

Discover THE EXACT BLUEPRINT I Used to Advance My Career
From Engineering to Project Management!

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A Sneak Peek At What’s Inside… 

Gain access to my EXACT BLUEPRINT for success and Step-by-Step Career Guide so that you can accelerate your career growth and land your next job in Project Management!

Use this Career Guide to map out the next 30 to 90 days for pivoting your career into Project Management the EASY WAY! Also inside, you’ll learn which concepts in Project Management you need to master so you can ace your interviews!

Learn the step-by-step strategies to update your resume the CORRECT WAY, so that your resume can be distinguished among other candidates and you’ll be one step closer to getting an interview and landing your dream job!

By the end of this guide, you’ll have a COMPLETE ACTIONABLE PLAN to mastering project management fundamentals, updating your resume, and applying for Project Manager jobs!

Who created this Project Management
Career Guide?

Alvin the PM

Hi, I’m Alvin, an Engineering Graduate from the University of California, San Diego, who has worked as an Engineer and Project Manager, and I’m the creator of this Project Management Career Guide.

After having worked for many years as an Engineer, I made strategic moves in my career to increase my income and become an Engineering Project Manager.

And now, I’m here to share my ENTIRE journey with you, so  you can land your next job in Project Management, and earn the income you deserve!

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